Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Dehning
antispameurope® GmbH
Am Listholze 78
30177 Hannover
phone: +49 0511- 260 905 - 0
Oliver Dehning left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
  • Oliver Dehning
    Gipsy: Knowledge Based Surface Inspection
    MVA "96, IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications 12.-14. November 1996, Tokyo, 1996
  • B. Balev, O. Dehning, A. Bloemer
    Knowledge Acquisition in Vision-Task Oriented Environment Based on Hypermedia User Interface
    6th International Conference CAIP"95 Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Sep. 6-8 1995 Prague, 1995