Dr.-Ing. Sascha Disch
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
Fraunhofer IIS Laboratories Audio Department
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen
phone: +49 9131 / 776 - 6212
fax: +49 9131 / 776 - 6099
Sascha Disch left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
Sascha Disch received his Diplom-Ingenieur degree in electrical engineering from the Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) in 1999. From 1999 to 2007 he was with the Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (FhG-IIS), Erlangen, Germany. At Fraunhofer, he worked in research and development in the field of perceptual audio coding and audio processing, including parametric coding of surround sound. Currently he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the Laboratorium für Informationstechnologie, Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Germany. His research interests include audio signal processing/coding and digital audio effects.
Show recent publications only
  • Conference Contributions
    • Frederik Nagel, Sascha Disch, Stephan Wilde
      A continuous modulated single sideband bandwidth extension (accepted)
      ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE CNF, Dallas, Texas (USA), April 2010
    • Tom Bäckström, Sascha Disch
      Parametric AM/FM Decomposition for Speech and Audio Coding
      Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA'09), October 2009
    • Tom Bäckström, Bayer Stefan, Sascha Disch
      Pitch Variation Estimation
      Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2009), ISCA, Brighton, United Kingdom, September 2009
    • Sascha Disch, Bernd Edler
      An iterative segmentation algorithm for audio signal spectra depending on estimated local centers of gravity
      12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-09), September 2009
    • Bernd Edler, Sascha Disch, Stefan Bayer, Ralf Geiger, Guillaume Fuchs
      A time-warped MDCT approach to speech transform coding
      126th AES Convention , Munich, Germany, May 2009
    • Frederik Nagel, Sascha Disch, Nikolaus Rettelbach
      A phase vocoder driven bandwidth extension method with novel transient handling for audio codecs
      126th AES Convention , Munich, Germany, May 2009
    • Sascha Disch, Bernd Edler
      Multiband perceptual modulation analysis, processing and synthesis of audio signals
      ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , IEEE CNF, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2009
    • Frederik Nagel, Sascha Disch
      A harmonic bandwidth extension method for audio codecs
      ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE CNF, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2009
    • Sascha Disch, Bernd Edler
      An Amplitude- and Frequency Modulation Vocoder for Audio Signal Processing
      11th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-08), September 2008
    • Jürgen Herre, Sascha Disch
      New Concepts in Parametric Coding of Spatial Audio: From SAC to SAOC
      ICME 2007, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, July 2007
    • Jürgen Herre, Kristofer Kjoerling, Breebaart Jeroen, Christof Faller, Sascha Disch, Heiko Purnhagen, Jeroen Koppens, Johannes Hilpert, Jonas Roeden, Werner Oomen, Karsten Linzmeier, Kok Seng Chong
      MPEG Surround; The ISO/MPEG Standard for Efficient and Compatible Multi-Channel Audio Coding
      122nd AES Convention, Vienna, Austria, May 2007
    • Andreas Walther, Christian Uhle, Sascha Disch
      Using Transient Suppression in Blind Multi-channel Upmix Algorithms
      122nd AES Convention, Vienna, Austria, May 2007
    • Sascha Disch, Jürgen Herre, Julius Kammerl
      Audio watermarking using subband modulation spectra
      ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 1, pp. 245-248, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007
    • Jürgen Herre, Sascha Disch, Johannes Hilpert, Oliver Hellmuth
      From SAC To SAOC - Recent Developments in Parametric Coding of Spatial Audio
      22nd Regional UK AES Conference, Cambridge, UK, April 2007
    • Lars Villemoes, Jürgen Herre, Jeroen Breebaart, Gerard Hotho, Sascha Disch, Heiko Purnhagen, Kristofer Kjörling
      MPEG Surround: The forthcoming ISO standard for spatial audio coding
      28th AES Conference, Piteå, Sweden, June 2006
    • Jeroen Breebaart, Jürgen Herre, Christof Faller, Jonas Roden, Francois Myburg, Sascha Disch, Heiko Purnhagen, Gerard Hotho, Matthias Neusinger, Kristofer Kjorling, Werner Oomen
      MPEG spatial audio coding/MPEG surround: Overview and current status
      119th AES Convention, New York, USA, October 2005
    • Jürgen Herre, Heiko Purnhagen, Jeroen Breebaart, Christof Faller, Sascha Disch, Kristof Kjörling, Erik Schuijers, Johannes Hilpert, Francois Myburg
      The reference model architecture for MPEG spatial audio coding
      118th AES Convention, Audio Engineering Society, Barcelona, Spain, May 2005
    • Sascha Disch, Jürgen Herre
      Spatial audio coding - status and recent advances in parametric multi-channel audio coding
      DAGA 2005, Fortschritte der Akustik, Munich, Germany, March 2005
    • Jürgen Herre, Christof Faller, Sascha Disch, Christian Ertel, Johannes Hilpert, Andreas Hölzer, Karsten Linzmeier, Claus Spenger, Peter Kroon
      Spatial audio coding: Next-generation efficient and compatible coding of multi-channel audio
      117th AES Convention, San Francisco, USA, October 2004
    • Sascha Disch, Udo Zölzer
      Modulation and delay line based digital audio effects
      2nd COST-G6 Workshop on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX99), Trondheim, Norway, December 1999
  • Journals
    • Johannes Hilpert, Sascha Disch
      The MPEG Surround Audio Coding Standard [Standards in a nutshell]
      Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, IEEE, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 148-152, January 2009
    • Jürgen Herre, Kristofer Kjörling, Jeroen Breebaart, Christof Faller, Sascha Disch, Heiko Purnhagen, Jeroen Koppens, Johannes Hilpert, Jonas Rödén, Werner Oomen, Karsten Linzmeier, Kok Seng Chong
      MPEG Surround-The ISO/MPEG Standard for Efficient and Compatible Multichannel Audio Coding
      Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES), Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 56, No. 11, pp. 932-955, November 2008
  • Standardisation Contributions
    • Sascha Disch, Karsten Linzmeier, Leonid Terentiev, Juergen Herre
      Harmonization of the Unguided Temporal Shaping Tool in MPEG Surround
      ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Doc. M13633, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006
    • Sascha Disch, Karsten Linzmeier, Juergen Herre, Johannes Hilpert
      Updated Description of GES in MPEG Surround
      ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Doc. M13635, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006
    • Sascha Disch, Karsten Linzmeier, Matthias Neusinger, Gerard Hotho, Juergen Herre, Johannes Hilpert
      Updated description of CE on guided envelope shaping in MPEG Surround
      ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Doc. M13288, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006
    • Sascha Disch, Karsten Linzmeier, Matthias Neusinger, Juergen Herre, Johannes Hilpert, Gerard Hotho
      Updated description of CE on guided envelope shaping in MPEG Surround
      ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Doc. M12965, Bankok, Thailand, January 2006
    • Johannes Hilpert, Andreas Hoelzer, Sascha Disch, Werner Oomen, Kristofer Kjoerling, Christof Faller
      Evidence for the Low Complexity Mode of MPEG Surround
      ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Doc. M12626, Nice, France, October 2005
    • Sascha Disch, Karsten Linzmeier, Matthias Neusinger, Gerard Hotho, Juergen Herre, Johannes Hilpert
      Proposed Quality Enhancements for MPEG Surround
      ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Doc. M12631, Nice, France, October 2005
Other activities

Educational Activities