Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Krause
Thomas Krause left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.

Thomas Krause studied electrical engineering with an emphasis on communications engineering at the Leibniz Universität Hannover and received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in 2013. Since his graduation, Thomas Krause is working as a research assistant at the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.


Research Interests

  • Audio pattern recognition
  • Audio source localization
  • Digital signal processing
  • Structural health monitoring
Show selected publications only
  • Reemt Hinrichs, Nan Jiang, Raul Beltran, Thomas Krause, Max Käding, Alexander Lange, Boso Schmidt, Jörn Ostermann, Steffen Marx
    Analysis of the Repeatability of the Pencil Lead Break in Comparison to the Ball Impact and Electromagnetic Body-Noise Actuator
    20th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2020), 2022
  • Reemt Hinrichs, Nan Jiang, Raul Beltran, Thomas Krause, Alexander Lange, Max Käding, Boso Schmidt, Steffen Marx, Jörn Ostermann,
    Analysis of the repeatability of the pencil lead break artificial sound source
    59th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, September 2020
  • Sönke Südbeck, Thomas Krause, Jörn Ostermann
    Non-Line-of-Sight Time-Difference-of-Arrival Localization with Explicit Inclusion of Geometry Information in a Simple Diffraction Scenario
    IEEE MMSP 2020 - IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, September 2020
  • Thomas Krause, Jörn Ostermann
    Damage Detection for Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Airborne Sound
    Structural Control and Health Monitoring, February 2020
  • Jörn Ostermann, Berend Denkena, Benjamin Bergmann, Alexander Schmidt, Thomas Krause, Jan Voges
    Compression of Machine Tool Data
    ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, July 2019
  • Christian Busse, Thomas Krause, Jörn Ostermann, Jörg Bitzer
    Improved gunshot classification by using artificial data
    Conference on Audio Forensics, June 2019
  • Andrea Hampel, Jens Lüke, Thomas Krause, Ralf Hetzel
    Finite-element modelling of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA): Use of elastic foundations at material boundaries versus the geometrically non-linear formulation
    Computers & Geosciences, Elsevier, January 2019
  • Thomas Krause, Jörn Ostermann
    Acoustic Emission Localization Using Airborne Sound: Where Did the Wind Turbine Rotor Blade Crack?
    9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM), July 2018
  • Reemt Hinrichs, Thomas Krause, Max Käding, Jörn Ostermann, Steffen Marx
    Measurement-Based Model of Structural Sound Transmission in a Concrete Specimen
    12th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (12th ECNDT), June 2018
  • Thomas Krause, Jörn Ostermann
    Dem Geräusch auf der Spur - Wie Roboter hören, wo etwas passiert
    Unimagazin - Forschungsmagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 10-13, December 2016
  • Thomas Krause, Jörn Ostermann
    Schäden an Rotorblättern akustisch erkennen
    ti! Technologie-Informationen 3 2016 Unter Strom, September 2016
  • Stavroula Tsiapoki, Thomas Krause, Moritz W. Häckell, Raimund Rolfes, Jörn Ostermann
    Combining a Vibration-Based SHM-Scheme and an Airborne Sound Approach for Damage Detection on Wind Turbine Rotor Blades
    8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, July 2016
  • Thomas Krause, Stephan Preihs, Jörn Ostermann
    Acoustic Emission Damage Detection for Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Airborne Sound
    10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM) , September 2015
  • Thomas Krause, Stephan Preihs, Jörn Ostermann
    Airborne Sound Based Damage Detection for Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Impulse Detection in Frequency Bands
    1st International Wind Engineering Conference (IWEC), September 2014
  • Thomas Krause, Stephan Preihs, Jörn Ostermann
    Detection of Impulse-Like Airborne Sound for Damage Identification in Rotor Blades of Wind Turbines
    7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM), July 2014
  • Stephan Preihs, Thomas Krause, Jörn Ostermann
    Comparison of Filter Bank Design Algorithms for use in Low Delay Audio Coding
    133rd AES Convention, San Francisco, October 2012
Other activities

Supervised theses

  • Blind Dereverberation of Audio Signals - Jonas Althoff (finalized November 2018)
  • Simulation von Raumimpulsantworten in Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen / Simulation of Room Impulse Responses in Wind Turbine Rotor Blades - Sönke Südbeck (finalized November 2018)
  • Urban Sound Classification with Neural Networks - Simon Reuß (finalized April 2018)
  • Synthetische Generierung impulsartiger Geräusche für die Datenbasiserweiterung von Detektionsalgorithmen / Synthesis of Impulse-like Sounds for Expanding Data Bases of Detection Algorithms - Christian Busse (In cooperation with Jade Hochschule) (finalized February 2018)
  • Acoustic Source Localization Based on Time Difference of Arrival - Nils Nommensen (finalized October 2017)
  • Systemtheoretische Modellierung einer Körperschall-Übertragungsstrecke / System-Theoretical Modeling of a Structural Sound Signal Path - Reemt Hinrichs (finalized May 2017)
  • Untersuchung verschiedener Audiomerkmale für die Detektion von Umgebungsgeräuschen / Analysis of Different Audio-Features for Detection of Enviromental Sounds - Lorenz Flemig (finalized May 2017)
  • Time Difference of Arrival Estimation for Acoustic Source Localization - Kai Wei (finalized October 2016)

If you are interested in writing a thesis, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Former activity