Dr.-Ing. Torsten Büschenfeld
Volkswagen AG
Architektur und Vorentwicklung Fahrerassistenzsysteme EEFA/2
Brieffach 1668/2
38436 Wolfsburg
phone: +49 5361 9-37439
Torsten Büschenfeld left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.

Torsten Büschenfeld was born in Nienburg/Germany in 1979. He studied Electrical Engineering with a focus on Automation Technology / Mechatronics at the University of Hanover.
His "Studienarbeit" (first student research project) at the TNT was dealing with 'Fast Depth Estimation in Onboard Sequences by a Feature-Based Stereo Approach' and received the VDE Hanover student award for the best student research project in electrical engineering in 2004. His diploma thesis was dealing with 'Motion Estimation by a Fast ICP Approach for Driver Assistance Systems'.

Since then he has been working as a research assistant toward a doctor's degree (Dr.-Ing.) at the 'Institut für Informationverarbeitung' at the University of Hanover. His research interests are image processing and computer vision.
Show selected publications only
  • Petra Helmholz, Christian Becker, Uwe Breitkopf, Torsten Büschenfeld, Andreas Busch, Carola Braun, Dietmar Grünreich, Sönke Müller, Jörn Ostermann, Martin Pahl, Franz Rottensteiner, Karsten Vogt, Marcel Ziems, Christian Heipke
    Semi-automatic Quality Control of Topographic Data Sets
    Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol. 78, No. 9, pp. 959--972, September 2012
  • Petra Helmholz, Torsten Büschenfeld, Uwe Breitkopf, Sönke Müller, Franz Rottensteiner
    Multitemporal Quality Assessment of Grassland and Cropland Objects of a Topographic Dataset
    ISPRS Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, accepted for publication, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Melbourne, Australia, August 2012
  • Torsten Büschenfeld, Jörn Ostermann
    Automatic Refinement of Training Data for Classification of Satellite Imagery
    ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. 117-122, Melbourne, Australia, August 2012
  • Torsten Büschenfeld, Jörn Ostermann
    Edge Preserving Land Cover Classification Refinement using Mean Shift Segmentation
    Proceedings of the 4th GEOBIA, pp. 242-247, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, May 2012
  • Petra Helmholz, Christian Becker, Uwe Breitkopf, Torsten Büschenfeld, Andreas Busch, Dietmar Grünreich, Christian Heipke, Sönke Müller, Jörn Ostermann, Martin Pahl, Karsten Vogt, Marcel Ziems
    Semiautomatic Quality Control of Topographic Reference Datasets
    ISPRS Commission 4 Symposium, Orlando, Florida, November 2010
  • Karsten Vogt, Björn Scheuermann, Christian Becker, Torsten Büschenfeld, Bodo Rosenhahn, Jörn Ostermann
    Automated Extraction of Plantations from Ikonos Satellite Imagery using a Level Set Based Segmentation Method
    ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 275-280, 2010
  • Christian Becker, Torsten Büschenfeld, Jörn Ostermann
    Impacts of a Resolution Pyramid on Gibbs Random Field Classification
    ISPRS Hannover Workshop 2009, Hannover, June 2009
  • Christian Becker, Marcell Ziems, Torsten Büschenfeld, Christian Heipke, Sönke Müller, Jörn Ostermann, Martin Pahl
    Multi-Hierarchical Quality Assessment of Geospatial Data
    ISPRS, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Beijing, 2008
  • Patrick Klie, Torsten Büschenfeld, Joern Ostermann
    ViPiD - Virtual 3D Person Models for Intuitive Dialog Systems
    IEEE Workshop on "Content generation and coding for 3D-television" Eindhoven, Netherlands, IEEE Benelux Chapter on Consumer Electronics, Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-2062-4, Vol. 1, p. 4, June 2006
Other activities

Other activities

  • Former teaching assistant of lecture Image Processing
  • Former "Ober-Ingenieur" of this institute