Leibniz AI Academy

TNT members involved in this project:

This project aims to develop and establish a trans-curricular and interdisciplinary micro-degree program at the Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), in which students from different courses of study acquire competencies in the field of Artificial Intelligence. These courses will additionally be offered as further education to interested students, and as further training for interested parties from industry and other companies.

The courses consist, among other things, of short videos, quizzes, interactive exercises, programming tasks, and projects, and will be primarily offered in a MOOC fashion. The main idea is to promote problem-based learning so that learners develop practical solutions, cooperatively, in realistic scenarios.

The courses are based on a flexible didactic hybrid concept and allow for both Flipped Classroom with in-person classroom sessions, as well as online participation. Through an interdisciplinary concept, AI competencies are not only taught in computer science, but also in the broad range of courses offered at LUH (e.g. mechanical engineering, geosciences, personalized medicine, etc.). The modularised and differentiated course program enables the learners to recognize possible applications of AI in their specializations and/or companies, exploit these to develop prediction models, and critically assess their opportunities and limitations.


This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) of Germany.