• Abschlussvortrag Masterarbeit, Imen Talbi
    Comprehensive Analysis of Techniques for Automatic Speech Recognition in Children's Speech-Language Assessment
    January 15, 2025 11:00 - 12:00
    Seminarraum R1334
  • Promotionsvortrag, Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Kellermann
    Unsicherheitsbasiertes Lernverfahren für schnelle Exploration und Regression eines unbekannten Systems durch aktives Lernen und statistische Versuchsplanung am Beispiel der Spritzgussfertigung
    December 20, 2024 15:00 - 16:00
    Hörsaal 031, Gebäude 3702, eNIFE, Schneiderberg 32
  • Abschlussvortrag Masterarbeit, Duc Anh ho
    Computer Vision for Vocal Technique Analysis
    December 18, 2024 12:00 - 13:00
    Seminarraum R1307
  • Konzeptvortrag Bachelorarbeit, Lennart Kampmann
    Evaluating and improving abstraction dropping methods
    December 17, 2024 22:45
  • Konzeptvortrag Bachelorarbeit, Lennart Kampmann
    Evaluating and improving abstraction dropping methods
    December 17, 2024 10:45 - 11:45
  • Abschlussvortrag Studienarbeit, Qixuan Zhang
    Visualisierung der interpretierbaren Ergebnisse des Quantized Sparse Explainable Neural Network (Q-SENN)
    December 17, 2024 11:00 - 12:00
    Besprechungsraum 250 (eNIFE)
  • May 07 - - July 07, 2024
    Der Girls’Day – Mädchen-Zukunftstag ist ein bundesweites Projekt zur Berufs- und Studienorientierung von Mädchen. Am alljährlichen Aktionstag lernen Schülerinnen Berufe oder Studienfächer kennen, in denen der Frauenanteil unter 40 Prozent liegt. Am 25. April 2024 bekamen die Teilnehmerinnen zwischen 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr erneut die Gelegenheit, die Welt einer Wissenschaftlerin aus verschiedenen Standpunkten zu sehen. Gemeinsam mit dem Institut für künstliche Intelligenz beteiligten wir uns mit einem vielseitigen Angebot zu den Bereichen Bilderkennung, Chatbots und der künstlichen Intelligenz in Spielen. Zudem gaben die Forschenden Einblicke in ihren Alltag und beantworteten viele Fragen zur Anwendung und Funktionsweise von Künstlicher Intelligenz. Wir hatten eine Menge Spaß und freuen uns bereits auf das kommende Jahr. Wir bedanken wir uns bei allen Teilnehmerinnen und Mitwirkenden!

  • December 07, 2023 - March 07, 2024
    At this year's "Day of the Faculty", the jury of the "APFEL-Preis für exzellente Lehre" awarded our Junior Professor Alexander Dockhorn the prize in the Lecture/Seminar category for his particularly strong commitment to the course and sincere interest in the students.

  • July 25 - - October 23, 2023
    TNT was founded 50 years ago. Current and former members of TNT will join us for a workshop on October 13th, 2023.

  • July 25 - - October 25, 2023
    Our lab has a long tradition in contributing the international standards like mp3, AAC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVC, HEVC, VVC, DASH and MPEG-G defined by the Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG), also known as ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 11. From October 13th to October 19, this group will meet for its 144th meeting in Hannover. It is the third time after 1988 and 2008 that MPEG with its more than 400 researchers comes to Hannover and TNT.

  • May 15, 2023
    Our work Compensation Learning in Semantic Segmentation will be presented at The 2nd Workshop Challenge on Vision Datasets Understanding (VDU) at The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023 (CVPR)

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  • September 15, 2023

    Best Presentation Award

    AwardeeFabian Müntefering, Jörn Ostermann, Jan Voges
    Prizewinner: Fabian Müntefering, Jörn Ostermann, Jan Voges
    For the oral presentation: BACON: Bacterial Clone Recognition from Metagenomic Sequencing Data
    Award Sponsor: AICPM 2023

  • April 01, 2021

    First Place Student Paper Award

    AwardeeAron Sommer, Jörn Ostermann
    Prizewinner: Aron Sommer, Jörn Ostermann
    For his/her work: Analysis of Ship Deformation using the Backprojection Autofocus of Large Ships with Arbitrary Motion for Synthetic Aperture Radar
    Award Sponsor: EUSAR 2021

  • December 11, 2020

    1st and 3rd at BBO-Challenge@NeurIPS'20

    Prizewinner: Difan Deng and Marius Lindauer et al.
    AutoML.org & IOHprofiler, featuring the switching squirrel. After fixing a minor bug, our Switching Squirrel achieved a strong 3rd place at the black-box challenge at #NeurIPS2020 (#AutoML and Hyperparameter Optimization). On the warm-start friendly leaderboard, our Squirrel was even ranked 1st and was awarded an extra prize money. Our Squirrel combines ideas from (i) (simple) meta-learning by recognizing known configuration spaces, (ii) a diverse portfolio of acquisition functions, surrogate models and data transformations for Bayesian Optimization and (iii) differential evolution for a greedy final stage. It is the outcome of a joint collaboration between the groups from AutoML.org (tnt@Leibniz University Hannover and University of Freiburg) and IOHProfiler (Leiden University and Sorbonne University). Competition homepage

  • October 23, 2020

    Best Student Paper Award

    AwardeeMaren Awiszus, Frederik Schubert and Bodo Rosenhahn
    Prizewinner: Maren Awiszus, Frederik Schubert and Bodo Rosenhahn
    Award Sponsor: AIIDE 2020

  • November 20, 2020

    1st and 2nd places at ABAW-Competition

    Prizewinner: Felix Kuhnke, Lars Rumberg, Jörn Ostermann
    In the FG-2020 Competition: Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW) researchers from TNT achieved two strong 2nd places (for action unit and valence arousal estimation) and one 1st place for categorical emotion recognition. The goal of this competition was to extract human emotion from "in-the-wild" videos. Our work was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2020, 16-20 November 2020.
    Award Sponsor: https://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources/fg-2020-competition-affective-behavior-analysis/

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