Dr.-Ing. Hans Busch
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme Engineering GmbH
Nordring 69
90409 Nürnberg
fax: +49 911-7330151
Hans Busch left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
Show selected publications only
  • Andreas Busch, Markus Gerke, Dietmar Grünreich, Christian Heipke, Claus-Eberhard Liedtke, Soenke Müller
    Automatisierte Verifikation topographischer Geoinformationen unter Nutzung optischer Fernerkundungsdaten: Systemdesign und praktische Ergebnisse
    Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp. 111-122, April 2005
  • A. Busch, M. Gerke, D. Grünreich, Ch. Heipke, C.-E. Liedtke, S. Müller
    Automated Verification of a Topographic Reference Dataset: System Design and Practical Results
    Proc. 20th ISPRS Congress, July 2004
  • Ralf Buschmann
    Efficiency of displacement estimation techniques
    Image Communication, 10/1997, pp. 43-61, 1997
  • Wolfgang Niem, Ralf Buschmann
    Automatic Modelling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views
    Yakup Paker and Sylvia Wilbur: Image Processing for Broadcast and Video Production. Workshops in computing series, Springer, Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-540-19947-0, 1994
  • C.-E. Liedtke, H. Busch, R. Koch
    Shape Adaptation for Modelling of 3D Objects in Natural Scenes
    CVPR Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Hawaii, USA, 1991, 1991
  • Claus-Eberhard Liedtke, Hans Busch, Reinhard Koch
    Automatic Modelling of 3D Moving Objects from a TV Image Sequence
    Proceedings of SPIE Sensing and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects and Scenes, Santa Clara, CA., USA, Vol. 127, pp. 230-239, February 1990
  • Hans Busch
    Subdividing Non Rigid 3D Objects into Qquasi Rigid Parts
    3rd Intern. Conference on Image Processing and Applications, IEE, Vol. 127, pp. 11-4, Warwick, UK, July 1989