Dipl.-Math. Patrick Klie
Dunreeb - Gutschke & Klie GbR
Patrick Klie left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
Patrick Klie studied Mathematics and Computer Science with Image Processing as field of application at the University of Hannover. He received his Dipl.-Math. degree from the University of Hannover in 2004. In 2000, he was awarded a prize by the Christian-Kuhlemann-Stiftung for best prediploma. His Studienarbeit (Thesis) was dealing with 'Compression of Compact Triangulated Manifolds without Border using Approximative Voronoi Diagrams'. The Fachbereich für Informatik of the University of Hannover awarded him a prize for best diploma thesis in the field of computer science in December 2004. He wrote his diploma thesis about 'Wavelet Decomposition of Scalar Functions on Surfaces', where he generalized Wim Sweldens' Lifting Scheme to apply wavelet transforms to functions defined on irregular discretizations in arbitrary dimensions. Since 2005 he has been working toward a PhD degree at the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung (formerly Institut für Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik und Informationsverarbeitung). His current research interests are multiple view geometry, 3D modeling, digital geometry processing, computational geometry and chromakeying/video matting.
Show selected publications only
  • Nikolce Stefanoski, Patrick Klie, Xiaoliang Liu, Jörn Ostermann
    Layered Predictive Coding of Time-Consistent Dynamic 3D Meshes Using a Non-Linear Predictor
    ICIP '07 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Antonio, September 2007
  • Nikolce Stefanoski, Xiaoliang Liu, Patrick Klie, Jörn Ostermann
    Scalable Linear Predictive Coding of Time-Consistent 3D Mesh Sequences
    3DTV-CON, The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, Kos Island, Greece, May 2007
  • Patrick Klie, Eugen Okon, Nikolce Stefanoski, Jörn Ostermann
    A Framework for Scene-Flow Driven Creation of Time Consistent Dynamic 3D Objects Using Mesh Parametrizations
    3DTV-CON, The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, Kos Island, Greece, May 2007
  • Patrick Klie, Torsten Büschenfeld, Joern Ostermann
    ViPiD - Virtual 3D Person Models for Intuitive Dialog Systems
    IEEE Workshop on "Content generation and coding for 3D-television" Eindhoven, Netherlands, IEEE Benelux Chapter on Consumer Electronics, Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-2062-4, Vol. 1, p. 4, June 2006
Other activities

Educational activities