Dr.-Ing. Tobias Klinder
Department Digital Imaging Philips Technologie GmbH
Innovative Technologies , Research Laboratories
Röntgenstr. 24-26
22335 Hamburg
phone: +49 40 5078-1403
Tobias Klinder left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
Tobias Klinder studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Hannover with focus on Automation Technology. He received his Dipl.-Ing. degree from the University of Hannover in 2006 passing with distinction. His diploma thesis ‘Geometrical Rib-Cage Modelling, Detection, and Segmentation’ dealt with the generation of a geometric model of the osseus human thorax and its automatic adaptation to an arbitrary CT data set. Since January 2007 he has been working towards his PhD degree at the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung in cooperation with Philips Research Europe, Hamburg. His research interest is medical imaging with focus on ‘Breathing Motion: Capture, Representation, and Modelling’.
Show selected publications only
  • Oliver Müller, Sabine Donner, Tobias Klinder, Ralf Dragon, Ivonne Bartsch, Frank Witte, Alexander Krüger, Alexander Heisterkamp, Bodo Rosenhahn
    Model Based 3D Segmentation and OCT Image Undistortion of Percutaneous Implants
    Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2011 14th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 6893, pp. 454-462, September 2011, edited by Fichtinger, Gabor and Martel, Anne and Peters, Terry
  • Gerrit Hentschel, Tobias Klinder, Thomas Blaffert, Thomas Bülow, Rafael Wiemker, Cristian Lorenz
    Anatomical modelling of the bronchial tree
    SPIE 2010, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, USA, February 2010, February 2010
  • Thomas Blaffert, Rafael Wiemker, Hans Barschdorf, Sven Kabus, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Ekta Dharaiya
    A completely automated processing pipeline for lung and lung lobe segmentation and its application to the LIDC-IDRI data base
    SPIE 2010, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, USA , February 2010, February 2010
  • Thomas Köhler, Tobias Klinder, Udo van Stevendaal, Cristian Lorenz, Peter Forthmann
    Correction of Breathing Motion in the Thorax for Helical CT
    Tsinghua Science and Technology (accepted), 2010
  • Daniel Bystrov, Torbjörn Vik, Heinrich Schulz, Tobias Klinder, Stefan Schmidt
    Local Motion Analysis in 4D Lung CT Using Fast Groupwise Registration
    ICIP 2009, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 2009
  • Sven Kabus, Tobias Klinder, Keelin Murphy, Bram van Ginneken, Cristian Lorenz, Josien Pluim
    Evaluation of 4D-CT Lung Registration
    MICCAI 2009, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Springer, London, UK, September 2009
  • Thomas Köhler, Tobias Klinder, Udo van Steevendaal, Cristian Lorenz, Peter Forthman
    Correction of Breathing Induced Rib Cage Motion in Helical CT
    Fully 3D 2009, Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Beijing, China, September 2009
  • Matthias Ehm, Tobias Klinder, Reinhard Kneser, Cristian Lorenz
    Automated Vertebra Identification in CT images
    SPIE 2009, SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, Florida, USA , February 2009
  • Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Jörn Ostermann
    Free-Breathing Intra- and Intersubject Respiratory Motion Capturing, Modeling, and Prediction
    SPIE 2009, SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, Florida, USA , February 2009
  • Tobias Klinder, Jörn Ostermann, Matthias Ehm, Astrid Franz, Reinhard Kneser, Cristian Lorenz
    Automated Model-Based Vertebra Detection, Identification, and Segmentation in CT Images
    Medical Image Analysis, Elsevier, Vol. 13, pp. 471-482, 2009
  • Jalda Dworzak, Hans Lamecker, Jens von Berg, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Dagmar Kainmüller, Heiko Seim, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Zachow
    3D Reconstruction of the Human Rib Cage from 2D Projection Images Using a Statistical Shape Model
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (accepted), 2009
  • Astrid Franz, Tobias Klinder, Robin Wolz, Cristian Lorenz
    Simultaneous model-based segmentation of objects satisfying pre-defined spatial relationships
    patent number WO/2009/122338, patent application PCT/IB2009/051302, 2009
  • Tobias Klinder, Robin Wolz, Astrid Franz, Cristian Lorenz
    Mesh Collision Avoidance
    patent number WO/2009/125319, patent application PCT/IB2009/051392, 2009
  • Thomas Blaffert, Hans Barschdorf, Jens von Berg, Sebastian Dries, Cristian Lorenz, Rafael Wiemker, Tobias Klinder, Astrid Franz, Steffen Renisch
    Apparatus for segmenting an object comprising sub-objects
    patent number WO/2009/101560), patent application PCT/IB2009/050495, 2009
  • Udo van Stevendaal, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Thomas Köhler
    Breathing-Motion Correction for Helical CT
    IEEE NSS/MIC, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Dresden, Germany, October 2008
  • Tobias Klinder, Robin Wolz, Cristian Lorenz, Astrid Franz, Jörn Ostermann
    Spine Segmentation Using Articulated Shape Models
    MICCAI 2008, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Springer, New York, USA, September 2008
  • Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Jörn Ostermann
    Respiratory Motion Modeling and Estimation
    The First Annual Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, MICCAI 2008, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, New York, USA, September 2008
  • Jalda Dworzak, Hans Lamecker, Jens von Berg, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Dagmar Kainmüller, Heiko Seim, Hans-Christian Hege, Stefan Zachow
    Towards Model-based 3-D Reconstruction of the Human Rib Cage from Radiographs
    CURAC 2008, Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V., September 2008
  • Astrid Franz, Robin Wolz, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Hans Barschdorf, Thomas Blaffert, Sebastian Dries, Steffen Renisch
    Simultaneous Model-Based Segmentation of Multiple Objects
    BVM 2008, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Berlin, Germany, April 2008
  • Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Jens von Berg, Steffen Renisch, Thomas Blaffert, Jörn Ostermann
    4DCT Image-Based Lung Motion Field Extraction and Analysis
    SPIE 2008, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, USA , February 2008
  • Thomas Blaffert, Hans Barschdorff, Jens von Berg, Sebastian Dries, Astrid Franz, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Steffen Renisch, Rafael Wiemker
    Lung Lobe Modeling and Segmentation with Individualized Surface Meshes
    SPIE 2008, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, USA, February 2008
  • Torbjörn Vik, Sven Kabus, Jens von Berg, Konstantin Ens, Sebastian Dries, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz
    Validation and Comparison of Registration Methods for Free-Breathing 4D Lung-CT
    SPIE 2008, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, USA , February 2008
  • Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Jens von Berg, Sebastian Dries, Thomas Bülow, Jörn Ostermann
    Automated Model-Based Rib Cage Segmentation and Labeling in CT images
    MICCAI 2007, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Springer, Brisbane, Australia, October 2007
  • Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Jens von Berg
    Geometrical Rib-Cage Modeling, Detection, and Segmentation
    CARS 2007, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Berlin, Germany, June 2007