Dr.-Ing. Gerald Schuller
Fraunhofer IDMT Institut Digitale Medientechnologie
Audiocodierung für spezielle Anwendungen
Ehrenbergstraße 29
98693 Ilmenau
phone: +49 3677 694398
fax: +49 3677 694399
Gerald Schuller left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
Show selected publications only
  • Gerald Schuller, Bin Yu, Dawei Huang, Bernd Edler
    Perceptual Audio Coding Using Adaptive Pre- and Post-filters and Lossless Compression
    IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 379-390, September 2002
  • Gerald Schuller, Bernd Edler, Adele Doser
    A Method for Alias Reduction in Cascaded Filter Banks
    9th IEEE DSP Workshop, IEEE, Hunt, TX, October 2000
  • Bernd Edler, Christof Faller, Gerald Schuller
    Perceptual Audio Coding Using a Time-Varying Linear Pre- and Post-Filter
    109th AES Convention, Audio Engineering Society, p. Preprint 5274, Los Angeles, September 2000
  • Bernd Edler, Gerald Schuller
    Audio Coding Using a Psychoacoustic Pre- and Post-Filter
    Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Istanbul, June 2000
  • Gerald Schuller
    Time-Varying Filter Banks with Variable System Delay
    International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Munich, Germany, April 21-24, 1997, 1997
  • G. Schuller
    A New Factorization and Structure for Cosine Modulated Filter Banks with Variable System Delay
    Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 3-6, 1996, 1996
  • G. Schuller
    An Overview Over Filter Banks with Low System Delay Capabilities
    European Workshop on Multirate Digital Signal Processing and Applications, TU Hamburg Harburg, March 20-21, 1996, 1996
  • G. Schuller
    A Low Delay Filter Bank for Audio Coding with Reduced Pre-Echoes
    99th AES Convention, Oct. 6-9 1995, New York, NY, USA, 1995