Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stauder
Thomson multimedia R&D
phone: +33 2 9927 3966
fax: +33 2 9927 3001
Jürgen Stauder left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
Show selected publications only
  • Juergen Stauder
    Point Light Sources Estimation from Two Images and Its Limits
    Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 2000
  • Juergen Stauder, Roland Mech, Joern Ostermann
    Detection of moving cast shadows for object segmentation
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE JNL, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 65-76, January 1999
  • Juergen Stauder
    Object Rotation Axis from Shading
    ICASSP"99, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 15.-19.3.1999, Vol. 6, pp. 3285-88, 1999
  • Juergen Stauder, Roland Mech
    Detection and Tracking of Moving Cast Shadows
    Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS"99, Berlin, Germany, 31.5.-1.6.1999, 1999
  • Juergen Stauder
    Augmented reality with automatic illumination control incorporating ellipsoidal models
    IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 1999
  • Juergen Stauder
    Illumination Analysis for Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Image Sequence Generation
    Computer Graphics International (CGI 98), Hannover, Germany, 22.-26.6.98, 1998
  • Juergen Stauder
    Segmentation of Moving Objects in Presence of Moving Shadows
    International Workshop on Very Low Bit-rate Video Coding (VLBV97), Linkoeping, Sweden, 28-30 July 1997, pp. 41-44, 1997
  • Juergen Stauder
    Detection of shading for object-based coding
    Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), Melbourne, Australia, March 13-15, 1996, pp. 325-328, 1996
  • Juergen Stauder
    Estimation of point light source parameters for object-based coding
    Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 7, Nos.4-7, pp. 355-379, November 1995, 1995
  • Juergen Stauder
    Global-Shape from Motion and Shading for 3D-Object-Based Analysis-Synthesis Coding
    Int"l Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video, 8.-10.11.1995, Tokyo, Japan, 1995
  • Juergen Stauder
    Joint estimation of object motion and point light illumination for 3D-object-based Analysis-synthesis Coding
    Int"l Workshop on Coding Techniques for Very Low Bit-rate Video, Colchester, United Kingdom, 7-8 April 1994, pp. 4.1.1-4.1.4, 1994
  • Juergen Stauder
    Detection of Highlights for Object-Based Analysis-Synthesis Coding
    Picture Coding Symposium, Sacramento, USA, 21-23 September 1994, 1994
  • Juergen Stauder
    An illumination estimation method for 3D-Object-based Analysis-synthesis Coding
    COST 211 ter European Workshop on New Techniques for Coding of Video Signals at Very Low Bitrates, Hannover, Germany, 1-2 December 1993, pp. 4.5.1-4.5.6, December 1993
  • Juergen Stauder
    Estimation of nonuniform irradiance for object-oriented coding based on 3D objects
    Picture Coding Symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland, 17-19 March 1993, pp. 18.2.1-18.2.2, March 1993