Dr.-Ing. Ralf Tönjes
Fachhochschule Osnabrück
Albrechtstr. 30
49009 Osnabrück
phone: +49-541 969 2941
fax: +49-541 969 2982
Ralf Tönjes left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
Show recent publications only
  • Conference Contributions
    • R. Tönjes, S. Growe, J. Bückner, C.-E. Liedtke
      Knowledge Based Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images Using Semantic Nets
      Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, July 1999, 1999
    • S. Growe, P. Schulze, R. Tönjes
      3D Visualization and Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data
      Computer Graphics International (CGI 98), Hannover, Germany, 22.-26.6.98, 1998
    • Ralf Tönjes, Claus-Eberhard Liedtke
      Knowledge Based Interpretation of Aerial Images using Multiple Sensors
      IX European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO-98, Island of Rhodes, Greece, September 8-11, 1998, 1998
    • Stefan Growe, Ralf Tönjes
      Use of Explicit Knowledge and GIS Data for the 3D Evaluation of Remote Sensing Images
      International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR"98), 17-20 August, 1998, Brisbane, Australia, 1998
    • R. Tönjes, S. Growe
      Knowledge Based Road Extraction from Multisensor Imagery
      ISPRS Symposium "Object Recognition and Scene Classification from Multispectral and Multisensor Pixels", 6-10 July 1998, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1998
    • C.-E. Liedtke, J. Bückner, O. Grau, S. Growe, R. Tönjes
      AIDA: A System for the Knowledge Based Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data
      Proceedings of the Third International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-10 July 1997, 1997
    • S. Growe, R. Tönjes
      A Knowledge Based Approach to Automatic Image Registration
      International Conference on Image Processing 97 (ICIP 97), Santa Barbara, USA, 26-29 October 1997, 1997
    • Ralf Tönjes
      3D Reconstruction of Objects from Aerial Images Using aGIS
      Workshop on Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Surface Reconstruction and 3-D Object Extraction Haifa, Israel, September 9-11, 1997, 1997
    • K. Pakzad, H. Koch, R. Tönjes
      Knowledge Based Interpretation of Aerial Images and Maps Using Digital Landscape Model as Partial Interpretation
      Workshop on "Semantic Modeling of Topographic Information from Images and Maps" (SMATI97), 21-23 May 1997, Bonn, Germany, 1997
    • R. Tönjes
      Knowledge Based Modelling of Landscapes
      XVIII. Congress of International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 9.-19.July 1996, Vienna, 1996
    • Ralf Tönjes
      Control of Scene Reconstruction Using Explicit Knowledge
      IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Sarasota, Florida, December 2-4, 1996, 1996
    • Ralf Toenjes
      Wissensbasierte Modellierung von Landschaften fuer die Visualisierung
      15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, 4.-6.Okt. 1995, Hannover, 1995
    • Ralf Tönjes, Oliver Grau
      Automatisierte Generierung realistischer 3D-Modelle für Simulatoren
      4. Workshop Sichtsysteme - Visualisierung in der Simulationstechnik, 23/24 Nov. 1995, Bremen, 1995
    • O. Grau, R. Tönjes
      Knowledge Based Modelling of Natural Scenes
      European Workshop on Conbined Real and Synthetic Image Processing for Broadcast and Video Production. 23.-24. Nov. 1994 Hamburg, 1994
    • Ralf Tönjes
      Image Sequence Analysis for on line Observation of Thrombus Formation in Blood Vessels
      European Signal Processing Conference. 13.-16. September 1994 Edinburgh, 1994
    • Ralf Tönjes
      Realistic Landscape Modelling with High Level of Detail
      IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 13-16. November Austin, Texas, 1994
    • R. Tönjes, O. Grau, R. Koch
      Analyse durch Synthese Modellierung von 3D Objekten in Stereobildfolgen
      Workshop Visual Computing. 16.-17. Mar. 1994 Darmstadt, 1994