Dominik Woiwode, M. Sc.
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Informationsverarbeitung
Appelstr. 9A
30167 Hannover
phone: +49 511 762-5317
fax: +49 511 762-5333
office location: room 1301

Dominik studied Computer Science at the Leibniz University Hannover. He graduated in 2023 with his master thesis "Few-Shot Anomaly Detection Using Neural Cellular Automata" which was supervised by Frederik Schubert.


Research topics

If you are interested in any of these topics for a student position, bachelor's thesis, or master's thesis, feel free to contact me (<lastname>

  • Mathis Kruse, Marco Rudolph, Dominik Woiwode, Bodo Rosenhahn
    SplatPose & Detect: Pose-Agnostic 3D Anomaly Detection
    {IEEE/CVF} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, {CVPR} 2024 - Workshops, IEEE, pp. 3950--3960, June 2024
  • Nils Wörz, Dominik Woiwode, Justin Sondheim, Dörthe Behrens, Dorian Rudy, Team Glücksklee
    Pflanzenforschung an Bord der ISS
    BIOspektrum 29, Vol. 29, No. 5, p. 557, September 2023
  • Ric Dengel, Dominik Woiwode, Nico Florschütz, Valentin Huber, Tim Muller, Jan von Pichowski, Alexander Rabinowitsch, Sebastian Scholz, Hans Schülein, Eike Steinweg, Benjamin Stippel, Peter Stöferle, Isabell Wittekind, Oliver Wizemann, Alexander Zaft, Lukas Zembrot, Katrin Griebenow
    24th ESA Symposium on European Rocket & Balloon Programmes and Related, October 2019