Dr.-Ing. Alina Kuznetsova
Alina Kuznetsova left the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung.
Publications and research activities from the time after the departure are not listed here.
The new website is here: https://sites.google.com/site/akuznetsovahp

Alina Kuznetsova graduated with honors in 2010 from Lomonosov Moscow State University. She spent one year as a research student in Fraunhofer ITWM in the department of Image Processing. Since autumn 2011 she has been working towards her PhD degree at the Institute for Information processing at the Leibniz University Hanover.

Research Interests


  • From June to September 2015 I am doing a research internship at Microsoft Research Cambridge
  • The ToF calibration toolbox from the ECCV 2014 workshop paper is now available at GitHub; the sample data can be downloaded here.
  • From August to December 2014 I am visiting the Disney Research Lab in Pittsburgh, USA
Show recent publications only
  • Conference Contributions
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Sung Ju Hwang, Bodo Rosenhahn, Leonid Sigal
      Exploiting View-Specific Appearance Similarities Across Classes for Zero-shot Pose Prediction: A Metric Learning Approach
      Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), February 2016
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Sung Ju Hwang, Bodo Rosenhahn, Leonid Sigal
      A Metric Learning Approach for Multi-View Object Recognition and Zero-shot Pose Estimation
      IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 1st Workshop on Object Understanding for Interaction, December 2015
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Sung Ju Hwang, Bodo Rosenhahn, Leonid Sigal
      Expanding Object Detector's Horizon: Incremental Learning Framework for Object Detection in Videos
      IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2015
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Bodo Rosenhahn
      On calibration of a low-cost time-of-flight camera
      IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW), 4rd Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision (CDC4CV), September 2014
    • Laura Leal-Taixé, Michele Fenzi, Alina Kuznetsova, Bodo Rosenhahn, Silvio Savarese
      Learning an Image-based Motion Context for Multiple People Tracking
      IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2014
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Laura Leal-Taixé, Bodo Rosenhahn
      Real-time sign language recognition using a consumer depth camera
      IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 3rd Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision (CDC4CV), December 2013
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Bodo Rosenhahn
      Hand pose estimation from a single RGB-D image
      9th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), July 2013
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Nikolaus F. Troje, Bodo Rosenhahn
      A statistical model for coupled human shape and motion synthesis
      8th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), February 2013
    • Alina Kuznetsova, Gerard Pons-Moll, Bodo Rosenhahn
      PCA-enhanced stochastic optimization methods
      34th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM), August 2012
  • Journals
    • Helga Henseler, Alina Kuznetsova, Peter Vogt, Bodo Rosenhahn
      Validation of the Kinect Device as a New Portable Imaging System for Three-Dimensional Breast Assessment
      Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2014
Other activities

Supervised Theses

  • "3D Gestaltsregistrierung für ein Shape-Motion PCA-Modell", 2013
  • "Entwurf und Erprobung eines sphärischen Positionierers", 2014 (co-supervised)
  • "Evaluating and improving calibration algorithms for time-of-flight cameras", 2015


Teaching assistant of the course Pattern Recognition
Supervisor of Image Processing part of Information processing lab