Quantum information processing: Error criteria from generalized divergences
Im Rahmen des Projekts Information Measures


keywords: quantum information, tomography, computing, divergences.

This project is concerned with the mathematical structure of quantum information processing. A crucial tool to understanding applications in quantum computing, learning and information theory are divergences as distance measures. Depending on the application we have in mind, different measures can imply very different error behaviors. Our goal is to generalize information protocols to comply with different error criteria.

Focuses of this project are:
  • Divergences
  • Tomography
  • Other protocols

In this project I have regular opportunities to offer. Explicit topics for a thesis that I give out is individualized and on request, if available. If you are motivated and interested in this project, please send me a short email with the important information about you and why you are interested. The following knowledge, qualities and experiences are helpful for the thesis:


  • Motivated
  • Can work independently
  • Good mathematical skills:
    • Linear Algebra
    • Mathematical Analysis
    • Information theory (recommended)
  • Background with quantum information theory optional.

Contact person: Christoph Hirche