BibTex Format for Publications
@inproceedings { MahBoe2024a,
author = {Hamidreza Maharlou and Nicole B{\"o}ssel-Debbert and Michael Lucht and Hannah B. Maier and Stefanie M{\"u}cke and Fabian M{\"u}ntefering and Barbara Neuhaus and Jana Prokein and Christine Reif-Leonhard and Jan Voges and Heike Weber and Antoine Weihs and Helge Frieling and Steffen Oeltze-Jafra},
title = { Cooperative Design of a Dashboard for Monitoring the P4D Cohort Study on Major Depression},
booktitle = {EuroVisPosters2024},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.2312/evp.20241081},
month = may