BibTex Format for Publications
@article { HelBec2012,
author = {Petra Helmholz and Christian Becker and Uwe Breitkopf and Torsten B{\"u}schenfeld and Andreas Busch and Carola Braun and Dietmar Gr{\"u}nreich and S{\"o}nke M{\"u}ller and J{\"o}rn Ostermann and Martin Pahl and Franz Rottensteiner and Karsten Vogt and Marcel Ziems and Christian Heipke},
title = {Semi-automatic Quality Control of Topographic Data Sets
journal = {Photogrammetric Engineering \& Remote Sensing},
year = {2012},
url = {},
doi = {10.14358/PERS.78.9.959},
month = sep,
volume = {78},
number = {9},
pages = {959--972}