Hanno Ackermann studied Computer Engineering at the University of Mannheim. He received his masters degree (Dipl.-Inf.) in 2003. From 10/2004 until 3/2008 he did his Phd at the University of Okayama, Japan. From 5/2008 until 9/2008 he worked as PostDoc at the Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science in Saarbruecken, Germany. Since 10/2008 he is a member of the group of Prof. Rosenhahn at Leibniz University Hannover. In January and February 2014, he did a short stay with Prof. David Suter. He is currently funded by a DFG-scholarship.
He is interested in supervised and unsupervised learning including Reinforcement Learning, segmentation and clustering of data as well as model fitting.
The sources to the CVPR09 paper can be found here. This code is provided "as is" without any implied warranty for non-commercial use only. Permission to modify and distribute this code is granted. If you use this software or any modifications, please cite the corresponding CVPR paper.
Some short info about myself in Japanese.