Tobias Elbrandt received his Dipl.-Inform. degree (diploma in computer science with emphasis on medical informatics) in 1999 by the University of Hildesheim. Since 1998 he was working for the Becom Software GmbH as a software engineer developing software for embedded systems. In the year 2000 he changed to the Loewe Opta GmbH to work as software engineer and deputy technical director, later as deputy head of department.
At the end of 2004 he changed to the Institut für Informationsverarbeitung of the Leibniz University of Hannover to work towards his PhD degree.
His research interests are camera calibration, 3D modeling from multiple views, human machine interfaces.
Betreuer des Versuchs V4 (Lineare Systeme mit stochastischer Anregung) des Laboratoriums Nachrichtenverarbeitung.
Betreuer der Projektarbeit für Erstsemester "Programmgesteuerte Bildmanipulation" (Link in das Stud.IP).
Betreuer der Projektarbeit für Zweitsemester "Videoauswertung zu Überwachungszwecken".